Sunday 20 March 2011

Here's some more *bad* Vampire Jokes...

1. What does Vampire say when introduced to someone? "Hello, pleased to eat you!"

2. Why did the vampire's lunch give him heartburn? It was a stake sandwich.

3. What happened to the two mad vampires? They both went a little batty.

4. Why do vampires hate arguments? Because they make themselves cross.

5. What is Dracula’s favorite pudding? Leeches and scream.

6. What should you do if a vampire borrows your comic? Wait for him to give it back.

1 comment:

jax said...

Here's another bad joke:

Three vampires went into a bar and sat down.
The barmaid came over to take their orders. "And what would you, er,
gentlemen like tonight?"

The first vampire said, "I'll have a pint of blood."

The second vampire said, "I'll have a pint of blood."

The third vampire shook his head at his companions and said, "I will
have a glass of plasma."

The barmaid wrote down each order, went to the bar and called to the
bartender, "Two bloods and a blood light."