Wednesday 30 March 2011

Howlin at the Moon

The Premiere of

Howlin' at the Moon

Today at 8pm GMT

[9pm BST, 4pm EST]
All members are welcome.
**Please get a character from Mini if you haven't done so already.

**You can also be yourself~ just email Mini that you are going to be yourself for the roleplay

**OR you can sit back and enjoy the show

Click Here for more Info

Monday 21 March 2011


1. ASkars looks mighty good in white!


2. ASkars has a sexy profile!


3. ASkars has an adorable smile!


4. ASkars can even be sexy looking as hobo!


5. ASkars looks great as a woman too!



Conclusion: ASkars is smokin' HOT!!!


~All the images are courtesy of

Sunday 20 March 2011

What is Eric’s favorite music for seduction

Imagine that Eric is seducing you (easy, I know)?

To which song would you like to be seduced by him?

The Alexplosion scale

The Alexplosion Scale is the measurement of the size of detonation that takes place within the panties of any given Skarsgirl at a given stimulus!

e.g. :

Sight of ASkars in black tank top might rate a 2 on the scale!

Sight of ASKars topless might rate a 4 on the scale!

Sight of ASkars in TB 4 promo rates at least a 7 I would have thought!

Suggestions please, for moments /sights / thoughts that would cause a 21-gun salute to go off in the underwear region of most of us!

Here's some more *bad* Vampire Jokes...

1. What does Vampire say when introduced to someone? "Hello, pleased to eat you!"

2. Why did the vampire's lunch give him heartburn? It was a stake sandwich.

3. What happened to the two mad vampires? They both went a little batty.

4. Why do vampires hate arguments? Because they make themselves cross.

5. What is Dracula’s favorite pudding? Leeches and scream.

6. What should you do if a vampire borrows your comic? Wait for him to give it back.

Friday 18 March 2011

Vampire Jokes

Got any vampire jokes?  Send them to us so we can post them.

How many Vampires does it take to change a light bulb?

Zero, none of them needs it.


Eric’s Non~Human Pet

If Eric owned a pet (non-human), what would it be and

what would he call it?



Eric’s Favourite Film

We know Sookie’s favourite film is Gone With the Wind – what’s Eric’s?

gwtw gif

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Janofarc’s Drabble Challenge No.2

Fangreaders Drabble Challenge – No.2.
Prompt: Bite the bullet.
1. Your Drabble should be 100 words. No more, no less.
2. There are no specific pairings but Canon Trueblood/SVM characters must be used. No OC’s.
3. Your Drabble must be self contained. It must have a beginning, middle and an end and it cannot be part of a larger story.
4. There is no deadline for this prompt. If you don’t feel anything for it, then wait until the next one. But if you get an idea down the line then come back to it.
5. Drabbles must be posted in the comments section below. This means you must have a Live Journal account and be a member of the fangreaders community.
Jan’s sample Drabble:
It was such a small thing. It shouldn’t bother her really. But it did. When he spoke it just drew attention to what was wrong. And this was very wrong. She couldn’t go on sitting back and letting him think everything was okay.
“Pam, what’s wrong with you?”
Her eyes widened, it was now or never. “You have ... a little something.” Pam used her own face to point out where Eric should wipe.
Eric ran his fingers over the area, pulling them away and looking at his hand. “Tell Yvetta to start trimming her bikini line or she’s fired.”
This challenge is a day early but I'm working late tomorrow night. A new challenge will be posted every Wednesday (unless I'm out of the country or working late lol)

Current Mood: bitchybitchy

Monday 14 March 2011

The Alexplosion Scale

List some moments that scaled vary high on the Alexplosion Scale

Sunday 13 March 2011

Ask the Cast at Paleyfest

If you were at Paleyfest, what question would you address to any of the cast members / AB?

Dress Eric for a Date

If Eric asked you to pick out his clothes for him for that date, what would you choose?


A Date with Eric

Where would you choose to go on a first date with Eric?


The Eric & Sookie Cocktail

If you had to create a cocktail called the Skarsgard, what would its ingredients be?

Ditto the Sookie?

Eric’s Book

When Eric introduced Sookie to Niall, he stayed in the car and read a book.  What was he reading?

Eric looks up